Top 10 Most Popular Mobile Games 2024

Most Played and Most Popular Mobile Games: Consistently, portable gaming has become well known. In the prior years, telephones were not as strong as the ones that we have today; however, the opposition among cell phone creators led to a few innovative jumps in the cell phone industry.

Also, presently we are getting a charge out of cell phones that are adequately strong to deal with a few great games like the one that we can play on PC previously.

Also, since portable games are more advantageous and more adaptable than playing on PC, versatile games have become so famous as a result of the explanation that you can play anyplace and whenever.

To provide you with some thought about what awesome and most well-known versatile games are on both Android and iOS here is our rundown of the most famous portable games in the year 2024.


PUBG or Player Obsolete Landmark, made its presentation in March 2017 as a PC game and has become rapidly famous with gamers all over the planet.

PUBG Mobile- Most Popular Mobile Games
PUBG Mobile

From the beginning, PUBG had been played on a PC and was not accessible on a cell phone, and afterwards, the versatile adaptation showed up and numerous players became advertised and eager to be delivered.

It was said that a colossal number of players are looking out for PUBG Portable, causing around 75 million to pre-enroll in the game. Presently, PUBG is truly outstanding and the most played versatile game on the planet, and it will remain quite possibly the most well-known portable game.

For the game play, the fight begins as players are haphazardly dropped by a plane and utilize a parachute to explore a specific area with their desired guide.

From the start, every one of the players in a guide doesn’t have cog wheels and weapons. If you want to plunder or observe important things that you can use in the battle, for example, firearms and cogwheels, then you want to get by and kill as many players as you can since the lone survivor will be pronounced a champ.

PUBG can be played performance, yet it is more enjoyable while playing with companions, The game has room cards and faction room, which make it more straightforward for players to play with their companions.

The achievement and prevalence of PUBG are unquestionable and that’s just the beginning As more players play this game, the quantity of downloads can fill in as a premise of their ubiquity

As the day of this composition hits an amazing 500 million+ on Google Play alone, that number of downloads of PUBG versatile can represent itself, making PUBG Mobile quite possibly the most downloaded portable game in 2023.Top 10 Most Popular Mobile Games 2023.

PUBG Versatility is without a doubt perhaps the most well-known portable game at present.

ii. Genshin Impact

A dream and open-world RPG game that you can play on both PC and portable, Genshin Sway was first delivered on September 28, 2020, and many have been astounded at how excellent this game was. Many will concur that Genshin Impact is one of the most incredible and versatile games.

Genshin Impact- Most Popular Mobile Games
Genshin Impact

The illustrations of this game are remarkable, and the shading determination that is utilized in these games is, even if I somehow managed to depict what their designs resemble, a blend of excellent 2D anime and 3D simultaneously.

It isn’t the sort of designs that you normally see on certain games that have some more reasonable appearance where the person resembles a genuine human and in this game it’s unique, yet the tones and how the climate of this game looks are great and satisfying in the eye.

In addition to the illustrations and gameplay that make this versatile game famous, an open-world sort of game has a ton of climate association between players. You can climb, glide, or even swim in this game and investigate the tremendous open-world guide of Teyvat.

Now that we are in the year 2024 and the ubiquity of Genshin Impact appears to proceed with no indication of dialing back, an ever-increasing number of players are occupied with this game today The quantity of downloads of this game is 10 million+ on Google Play alone, yet this game is likewise accessible and famous on iOS and different stages like Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Microsoft Windows.

Genshin Impact, with its outwardly staggering designs and exceptional game-play, draws in an ever-increasing number of players, making it quite possibly the most well-known portable game at the present time.

iii. Portable Legend Bang

Have you found out about a game called Mobile Legend? On the off chance that you don’t, a Mobile Legend Bang is a sort of game referred to as MOBA or “Multiplayer Online Battle Arena,” on which players battle for 5 versus 5 in a solitary match.

Portable Legend Bang- Most Popular Mobile Games
Portable Legend Bang

Players can pick a legend that they need to utilize like tanks, support, marksmen, and so on On the front line for sure, we call maps. There are three- paths that the player group needs to safeguard; they are known as turrets to some degree, like Dota Tower. The primary group that annihilates the last pinnacle or the fundamental pinnacle will be announced as the victor.

The interactivity on Mobile Legends has looked like DOTA, so assuming you know about playing DOTA before, you will effortlessly figure out how to play this game, Mobile Legends is the most ideal decision for a gamer who is looking for a portable option DOTA I’ve observed this game since I began looking for games that have a similar DOTA experience back in 2016.

In those early days, Mobile Legends was not yet completely advanced and versatile and it was so laggy in those days. Yet presently, this game has developed to the point of fixing those slacks and bugs and Mobile Legends is one of the most improved portable games that I’ve seen. Mobile Legend is one of the smoothest MOBA that you can play on a Mobile gadget.

Likewise, Mobile Legends was one of the most famous versatile games in Asia, like in the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and different parts of Asia, It was well known to the point that it arrived at 100 million+ downloads in Google play-Store alone, Mobile legend effectively made our rundown for something good and most well-known portable games that you can play.

iv. Free Fire

Next on our rundown is one of the trailblazers of online shooter games that can be played online on your cell phone.

Free Fire- Most Popular Mobile Games
Free Fire

The game that I’m discussing is designated “Free Fire”, The result of value makes this game quite possibly the most well-known portable game up ’til today.

As of not long ago, there’s been a colossal number of dynamic players on this game and what makes it even more amazing is it’s kept up with its prevalence for quite a long time.

Assuming we’re discussing interactivity, it is a fight-regal shooter game in which players are dropped through a plane utilizing a parachute, Players need to look for a few lootable things that can assist them with getting by, It incorporates a few weapons like firearms and ammunition.

They can likewise steal from certain pinion wheels like Armors, headgear, medication packs, and so on remember Like some fight-regal shooter games, you will participate in a battle against the foe in the playable zone or a protected zone, and the last player who endures will be announced as the victor.

It was formally launched in August 2017 and immediately became famous because there are a ton of gamers who affectionately play PUBG and at that time there was no fight imperial that was playable on a telephone. Without any contenders and with a decent gaming experience on mobile, they were ready to draw in increasingly more gamers all over the planet. Top 10 Most Popular Mobile Games.

On this day of composing, Free Fire has a billion+ downloads on the Google Play Store alone, making Free Fire the most downloaded portable game of all time.

v. 8 Ball Pool

Assuming that you love the Billiard game, you will without a doubt adore this game, Putting billiards on versatile is heavenly and since many individuals love to play pool, those variables add to making this game one of the most famous portable games today

Ball Pool- Most Popular Mobile Games
Ball Pool

8 Ball Pool is not another game; it’s been around since around 2013 yet at the same time, figure out how to keep up with its ubiquity up to this day.

This portable game mirrors a genuine billiards game so well that it settles on the most ideal decision to play billiards on mobile. At present, there are some billiard gaming applications accessible on mobile, but nothing comes near the 8-ball pool.

This game has choices to play solo or to challenge a portion of your Facebook companions who are additionally playing it.

8 Ball Pool is one of the most famous portable games and it has hit 500 million+ downloads on the Google Play Store. Assuming you are searching for the best billiards game that you can play anywhere, this game is your ideal choice.

vi. Call Of Duty Mobile

Very much like PUBG, Call of Duty was initially a PC game that was first presented in 2004. I even recollect playing this game when I was in early school. I generally go to a PC shop (Internet cafe) since I don’t have my PC on those days. The principal thing that grabbed my eye was its design. I was so astonished and I feel that it was so advanced at that time.

Call Of Duty Mobile- Most Popular Mobile Games
Call Of Duty Mobile

Quick forward to the current day; however, the prominence of Call of Duty never blurred, and in 2019, they delivered their mobile rendition of the game, which brought such a lot of publicity among gamers, Playing a shooter game on a portable is a lot harder than on PC yet some gamers fostered developed a strategy called hook.

For the people who are curious about Claw, a strategy is so compelling in shooting matchups on portable, Standard players utilize just two thumbs on controls in versatile yet hook players utilize four-finger rather than two for the most part created with thumbs and forefingers in both left and right. Top 10 Most Popular Mobile Games

A great deal of star portable gamers utilize this procedure to dominate COD even in versatile, This method opens the chance for some gamers to partake in the shooting match-up in portable, and as a matter of fact, there are presently 10+ Million downloads on the Google Play store alone and the quantity of players are continually expanding, The fame of Call of Duty are obvious and this rundown is not complete without referencing this unbelievable shooting match-up as one of the most famous versatile games in existence.

vii. Among Us

Who has said that the game ought to have the best designs or more point-by-point interactivity to become well known?

Among Us- Most Popular Mobile Games
Among Us

Among Us is the game that demonstrates that they don’t require remarkable designs to astound individuals; rather, they set up an interesting game-play that everybody appreciates, As a matter of fact, Among Us is one of the most easy-to-use games on versatile, so even certain individuals who are not no-nonsense gamer can partake in this game.

The game Among Us can be played with your companion. The repairmen are on a basic errand and attempt to sort out who is the executioner in the gathering, which is called a sham. It was enjoyable to the point that it blended in with secrecy and tension, releasing the internal analyst’s expertise to tackle and figure out who the fraudster was.

The game-play of Among Us was one of a kind to the point that it carries its notoriety to all ages; it’s anything but a game with highly escalated illustrations or a game with a much more practical feel; however, the rush that it brought among players made the game adored by quite a few people. Top 10 Most Popular Mobile Games.

Presently, this game has 100 million+ downloads in the Google Play Store. Although there are a few reports that there are a few late drops in a few dynamic players in Among Us, this game merited being on this rundown as perhaps the most famous portable game in 2021, nevertheless, in 2023 and then some.

viii. Black-top 9

From the first Asphalt to the most recent one, Asphalt 9 is one of the most well-known versatile games that you can, in any case, play in 2024.

Black-top 9- Most Popular Mobile Games
Black-top 9

Black-top 9 has an upgrade and shocking designs that make each situation look cool and genuine, From the main Asphalt to Asphalt 9, the adrenaline from playing this game never blurs, the interactivity was only something similar from other Asphalt series, the main thing that they improve are some impact, illustrations, and vehicles, they added a great deal of new Cars in this game.

They add a ton of Hypercars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, and parcel more, Asphalt 9 is so well known among gamers on the off chance that we can’t bear to drive a few Hypercars, in actuality, the game permits us to drive our fantasy vehicle in a game.

ix. Class Of Legends

Class of Legends is initially a PC game; it was first delivered in October 2009 and became one of the most famous MOBA games, League of Legends’ prevalence on PC is extraordinary to the point that it dominates Dota 2 as far as prominence.

Class Of Legends- Most Popular Mobile Games
Class Of Legends

As indicated by in 2021, League of Legends has 70 million clients around the world, while DOTA 2 has around 40 million. League of Legends is so well known by numbers.

The achievement and prevalence of the game League of Legends are obvious, and those accomplishments that they have are currently going to Mobile By making its versatile rendition of the game, it was effectively delivered in the Philippines in June 2020.

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Whenever League of Legends versatile has been delivered, many have felt that this may be the end of Mobile Legends; however, it doesn’t work as some have expected. Top 10 Most Popular Mobile Games 2023.

In Asia, Mobile Legends overwhelms yet we were unable to fail to remember the way that League of Legends Versatile has now 10 million+ downloads on the Google Play store alone and in light of the number of downloads, this game merits on our rundown as quite possibly the most famous portable game in 2021-2024.

x. Pokemon GO

Pokemon Go, a game that shot the promotion on many, was made by Niantic and first delivered in July of 2016, The game immediately became quite possibly the most versatile game on both Android and iOS.

Pokemon GO- Most Popular Mobile Games
Pokemon GO

The notoriety of the game Pokemon GO spreads starting with one country, then onto the next, like a viral pandemic; it bounces from one country to another and brought some debate among others, As far as ubiquity, Pokemon Go was one of the most famous that I’ve at any point seen.

I recollect those seasons of 2016 when many individuals emerges from their homes and began to discover some Pokemon and, remarkably, you could hear about this game everywhere, from virtual entertainment, YouTube, articles, news, TV, radio, and so forth

One of the principal justifications for why Pokemon GO turned out to be so well known is on the grounds that Pokemon is one of the most renowned anime series, many individuals that play this game bring back their internal youth, and their market is all ages, from youngsters to kids, on a basic level, making Pokemon Go a web sensation and cementing their heritage as one of the most famous portable rounds ever.

Also, for the individuals who don’t realize Pokemon Go is an exceptional sort of versatile game wherein players are compelled to stroll in reality to discover some Pokemon,.

The game is controlled by Augmented reality, which creates a second world in our reality that can simply be seen using a cell phone.

You can join and browse three contending groups in this game: group spiritualist, group boldness, and group intuition.

Then start your experience in the Pokemon world, get some Pokemon, fight different players, and take an interest in exercise centre fights and assaults, and that’s just the beginning. Top 10 Most Popular Mobile Games 2023.

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Pokemon Go’s ubiquity should be visible in the quantity of downloads that they have on the Google Play Store; it will reach 100 million+ in a year and assuming you’re searching for the most famous portable rounds ever, it is undeniable that Pokemon Go will be distinctively on its rundown.

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